Submission Guidelines

Papers submitted in the conference topics will undergo a double blind review process, as in the tradition of ACM.
Expert reviewers in the field of computer science, applied mathematics, systems biology and bioinformatics will be recruited to review each paper from their perspective, and to provide comments and suggestions on each paper submission from three main points of view namely: computer science, application utility, and life science (mostly focused on biology).

The track would like to encourage and promote the submission of papers presenting a relevant application of their mathematical or computer science methods to life science timely problems. Namely, the ideal papers in this track should contain a clear and comprehensive description of a significant contribution brought by the computational side to biology, pharmacology, biomedical sciences and environmental and nutritional sciences. In the view of this conference track, papers presenting a preponderant computer science or mathematical part may be not considered appropriate.

Original and unpublished papers are solicited for this track. The file format should be either Post Script or PDF (PDF preferred). The author(s) name(s) and address(es) must not appear in the body of the paper,
and self-reference should be in the third person. This is to facilitate blind review. Only the title should be shown at the first page without the author's information. Papers must be formatted according to the template which is available at the SAC 2015 website:

Full paper size is limited to 6 pages according to the above mentioned template, being allowed a maximum of 2 extra pages at the additional cost
of 80 USD per extra page.
Poster papers are limitted to 2 pages and no additional pages are permitted.
A few key words should be provided. A paper cannot be sent to more than one track.
Original manuscripts (regular papers) should be submitted in electronic format through the START Conference manager web site:

Abstracts for the Student Research Competition (SRC)
should be submitted in electronic format through the START Conference manager web site: